Sunday, March 28, 2010

Agricultural Core vs. Theme parks

As stated previously in this blog, Carlsbad has a modest agricultural center. The greater San Diego area does have a notable agriculture industry. However, one industry that is big in the San Diego area is theme parks. Sea World and the San Diego Zoo are the top attractions. A relative newcomer is Legoland which is located in Carlsbad. It is one of four Legoland parks with the other three located in Europe; England, Germany and Denmark. The US Legoland opened in 1999 and is geared toward younger kids. The average attendance is estimated at 1.4 million each year. It has stiff competition in this industry with the aforementioned parks a few minutes south and Disneyland, Universal Studios and Six Flags Magic Mountain to the north. It does fit a niche with its focus on smaller children with scaled down rides and exhibits.,%20ca&lci=com.panoramio.all&iwloc=lyrftr:com.panoramio.all,8767243306314437832,33.126150,-117.311507&ll=33.126150,-117.311507&z=10&ei=8tevS8j9GozatgPHgZXuCw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=photo-link&cd=1&resnum=1&ved=0CBIQ8wEoADAA

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Southern Coastland - Gulf Coast

The Southern Coastlands of the United States has a rich and diverse tradition in jazz, food, agriculture, tourism and petroleum. From the border town of Brownsville to the large port city of Houston, to the Mississippi delta town of New Orleans, through the panhandle of Florida and down to the Florida keys, this region and its people are as varied as any in the world. Contrast this with my city of Carlsbad, CA that has little to no diversity, forgettable food, only the thoughtful alternative indie rock group "Switchfoot" can be claimed as its native sons.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Agriculture and Demographics

In Carlsbad, there is primarily only small scale agriculture. Due to the sandy soil conditions which aids in drainage and the temperate weather, flowers are grown in and around the Carlsbad area for nearly a century. As one travels southward on Interstate 5, especially during the spring months, fields of flowers can be seen. There a few organic farms scattered about the town.

The demographics in the area are overwhelmingly caucasian accounting for 85% of the population. About 12% is Latino, with less than 1 % being African American. The population demographics and agriculture are much different than that of the Changing South.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mining vs. Golf

The Appalachians and the Ozarks have little in common with Carlsbad, CA. However, there are a few similarities. First, both areas we late to develop in relation to the surrounding areas close in proximity. The Appalachian Mountains acted as a natural barrier to the original colonies regarding westward movement. No such barrier exists in Carlsbad but the natural ports of San Diego and Los Angeles attracted more settlers and traffic than the nondescript coast of Carlsbad. Also, both regions tend to be more politically conservative. Of course, there are huge disparities as well. The Appalachia and the Ozark are known for extreme poverty while Carlsbad is considered one of the wealthiest areas in the United States. There does not seem to much of a native Indian presence in Appalachia and the Ozark while San Diego County has 18, more than any other county in the United States.